
The ActiveSilencer™ duct is an add-on unit, designed to be installed at the end of a pipe emitting or sucking air and generating noise. It is ideally used for air-purifying, air–conditioning, furnace systems, etc. The ActiveSilencer™ Duct is an easy to install low cost unit and provides dramatic noise reduction of at least 15dB(A).
This product targets the residential, commercial, and educational markets to improving the quality of life.
 As environmental beauty is a growing concern in the world, the need is growing for silent air duct systems and sound traps instead of air duct sound baffles. Silentium offers a fan silencer with an active noise cancellation device to reduce sounds of ventilation and air conditioning fans, bathroom exhaust fans, window fans, noisy exhaust fans, axial fans and even quiet vent fans. Silentium´s Active Silencer duct is designed for residential and public use.

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Active Silencer
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