Apros S.r.l.
Via Lago del Centro Cadore, 3, 3, 35010, San Giorgio Delle Pertiche, Italia
Phone. +39 049 9330063
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APROS - stove pipes, chimney liner and flue accessories

APROS produces a wide range of product lines: 2 mm thick, paint finished flues for wood stoves; 1.2 mm thick, paint finished flues for pellet stoves; single and twin wall steel flues; twin wall copper flues and special parts that get manufactured according to customers’ specific requests.
Padiglione 9, stand E26: anche quest’anno Progetto Fuoco vedrà Apros come protagonista indiscussa della manifestazione, con tantissime novità accattivanti dal mondo della fumisteria.

Technical files - EN
Plastic range, flues pipes for condensing boilers - Apros
Technical files - EN
Linea Pellet Superior - Apros
Commercial files - EN
UNIx-Dynamic Two technical sheet - Apros
Technical files - EN
Dynamic TWO technical sheet - Apros
Technical files - EN

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