Focus Bitron Hvac Systems (bitron Industrie Spa)
Companies • 12.02.2014
Bitron invests in Biomass, an environment friendly growing market
The Bitron Group invests in Biomass sector with performing and innovative components for pellet stoves.
Companies • 09.01.2014
2013, a Year full of great news for Bitron HVAC Systems
Another year of growth for Bitron HVAC Systems, thanks to continuous investments focused on people and innovation.
Companies • 10.12.2013
Bitron HVAC Systems presents the new high efficiency Heat Exchanger
During Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2014 in Milan, Bitron HVAC Systems will introduce to the market the new Aluminum Primary Heat Exchanger for wall-hung condensing boilers.
Companies • 29.10.2013
Bitron HVAC Systems 3-Way Mixing Valve
Companies • 15.04.2013
Bitron's Hydraulic Groups for boilers, ready to be mounted
Bitron's Hydraulic Groups, best ready to be mounted components for boilers and best quality service for companies: high performance, quality and reduced lead times.