Focus Innovations
This article is over 3 years old
Biomass heating is a main air polluting, according to an italian study
Biomasses heating systems, emits more pollution than traditional plants, also the more sofisticated plants.

A study made by NE - Nomisma Energy, point out that Heating is the branch that causes more air pollution.
The economic crisis has had, among the consequences, a significant increase in consumption and import of wood, pellets and wood chips. The increase is obviously due to the lower cost of these raw materials compared to traditional fuels.
"This consumption’s trend, unfortunately, is not in line with our environmental requirements that are first of all to clean our cities’ air from fine particulate - declared Davide Tabarelli, President of NE-Nomisma Energia - The comparison between these fuels, shows that when the thermal biomass is burning, it emits more than 1000 times more fine particulate than other sources such as LPG gas”.
Despite the biomass is really affordable, according to Tabarelli we cannot overlook the environmental impact: "For what concerns the emission of powders, NOX and dioxin, biomass emits more pollution than traditional fuels".