With camoLINE, the Cartesian Motion building system, Rexroth offers a fully featured solution for the automation of solar cell and solar module production. The system solution uses the innovative Easy-2-Combine connection method for the speedy assembly and start-up of handling facilities without any complex adjustment steps. Basis of camoLINE is a wide range of linear modules and freely combinable electric and pneumatic actuators, including elements and connections for the energy chains. For each station the user can assemble finely scalable individual axes himself or order fully preassembled handling systems from Rexroth according to his own specifications.
For example, Sieghard Schiller GmbH & Co. KG in Sonnenbühl, Germany uses camoLINE in up to 18 in-line process modules for the handling of sensitive solar cell blanks. Using the standardized elements, Schiller reduces the number of manufactured parts for the handling operations by up to 75 percent and cuts construction time by around a third. The handling tasks in the solar module production flow, e.g. for stringing, for connecting the individual solar cells to form modules and for final quality inspection of the finished modules are performed by the easy-to-configure solutions of the camoLINE building system.
camoLINE has a base frame made of aluminum profiled struts in uniform grid dimensions.
The Easy-2-Combine form-fit connection method guarantees a basic structure with the precision necessary for manufacturing solar cells and solar modules. The linear modules of the Compact series meet the most diverse requirements with a choice of drive type between ball screw, toothed belt and compressed air, all with identical external dimensions. Rexroth IndraDyn servo motors in degree of protection IP65 are perfectly matched to the Compact modules and combine compact design with high dynamics. Thanks to Hiperface multiturn encoders, no referencing runs are required for re-starts. The stepping and servo motors with coordinated controllers come with open interfaces to all standard fieldbuses. Pneumatic mini slides with two drive cylinders and many different options for fixing to other handling components open up large scope for design. Powerful rotary modules are characterized by a high-precision rotary flange bearing designed for high loads. Pneumatic parallel, angular and radial grippers cover a wide spectrum of requirements in fine increments.
For fully automated camoLINE handling systems from a single source Rexroth uses the open system solution IndraMotion for Handling. The PLC-based control system is based on the international standard IEC 61131-3 and performs the most exacting tasks with a minimum of programming input. Up to six axes in a point-to-point network can be traversed in time-optimized movements.