ENX - Reversible full inverter geothermal heat pump
Water-condensed reversible modulating heat pump for residential use. It obtains heating or cooling energy from a water source or from a geothermal system, allowing a priority production of Domestic Hot Water and alternative heating/cooling of the whole dwelling in a completely autonomous way.
Technical features
• Scroll or twin-rotary inverter compressors with modulating speed and BLDC motors technology (Brush Less Direct Current).
• Electronically controlled Electric expansion Valve (EEV).
• User- and DHW sides integrated pump control: the pump is directly controlled by the unit.
• Inverter driven user-side pump allowing modulating speed.
• Double hydraulic circuit:
- Air-conditioning reversible circuit;
- DHW circuit managed by an internally assembled 3-way valve and with priority with respect to other operating modes.
• AISI 316 Stainless steel high efficiency brazed plate heat exchangers.
• Advanced electronic management allowing to respond adequately to the needs of partial loads.