Fronius Datalogger Web: the multitalented systemfor versatile PV systemmonitoring
The network-compatible Fronius Datalogger Web is the cornerstone for comprehensive PV system monitoring.
It can be easily integrated into existing network structures via the Ethernet interface or an optional WLAN stick.
Full system control via the PC. In combination with the Fronius Solar.access software, Fronius Datalogger Web provides full setting options and data preparation for the PV system onsite via a PC.
Multi-user capability within the local network. Several users can access important system information simultaneously via a separate website – using a browser that is independent of the operating system.
Real-time data available online. For the fi rst time, real-time as well as archived PV system data can be accessed worldwide via the bi-directional connection between Fronius Datalogger Web and the Fronius Solar.web online service.