Focus - Innovations

Innovations • 01.09.2014
The commercial refrigeration equipment market in Europe will be worth nearly $20 million by 2019
The report reveals a significant increase in the commercial refrigeration equipment market in Europe by 2019, with estimated revenues of about $11,597 million.

Innovations • 11.10.2013
Second-generation bioethanol fuel produced in Italy for the first time
The first biorefinery of the world will produce 75 million biofuel litres per year.

Innovations • 09.10.2013
Solar and Wind energy are more convenient together
According to a study by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory PV and wind integration would be able to compete with fossil fuel plants.

Innovations • 02.10.2013
GB: new pilot project to convert ocean waves into electricity
The English prototype “WaveRoller” will produce 1.5 MW once completed, similar projects to be started across all Europe.

Innovations • 01.10.2013
New solar cell: 44,7% efficiency in converting solar energy
The efficiency record reached by this new solar cell has been possible thanks to “wafer bonding”, a new technology that correctly superimposes semiconductor crystals, matching them perfectly.

Innovations • 13.09.2013
In Europe installed first residential FC-CHP units by the ene.field project
First two fuel-cell based combined heat and power units installed in Germany by Baxi Innotech GmbH and Elcore GmbH.

Innovations • 09.09.2013
New low-cost batteries: towards renewable resources
The MIT of Boston develops economical and safe stockpiles, thanks to the elimination of the membrane between bromine and hydrogen.

Innovations • 06.05.2013
Energy efficiency: in Europe will be more important than renewable energy
According to institutional investors, energy efficiency, applied to different areas, will have greater growth potential in the future than any other sector.

Innovations • 12.04.2013
Denmark gets 25% of its energy from wind
Denmark has just crossed the threshold of one gigawatt of installed power, an amount sufficient to give to the country a quarter of the energy it needs.

Innovations • 02.04.2013
Technical standards: US-EU cooperation agreement to promote trade relations
The collaboration is important in view of the signing of the TTIP that will increase employment and competitiveness of the two powers.

Innovations • 25.02.2013
Wind power for 9 million families in Eastern Europe
EWEA recently published a study about Wind Industry in Europe. The installations before 2020 will rase from 4 to 16 GW of power and wind energy will provide electricity for 9 milion families.

Innovations • 22.02.2013
Biomass heating is a main air polluting, according to an italian study
Biomasses heating systems, emits more pollution than traditional plants, also the more sofisticated plants.
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