Inoxsabiana 50 Wall Flues - Sabiana
The inner wall is made from AISI 316L stainless steel, 0.5 mm thick, while the outer wall is made from AISI 304 stainless steel, 0.5 mm thick, or alternatively copper, 0.6 mm thick.
The insulation is rock wool, with a minimum density of 90 kg/m3, 50 mm thick.
Longitudinal microplasma welding is used on both the inner and outer wall on each element.
All the non-insulated elements are made from AISI 304 stainless steel (aluminium adjustable flashing and storm collar).
In addition, the use of an innovative fastening system means that the thermal bridge between the inner and outer wall is reduced to the minimum.
The InoxSabiana 50 series includes 6 different inside diameters (from 350 to 600 mm) and a complete series of accessories for solving all problems relating to the discharge of the flue gas from heat generators.
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