Focus Companies
Templari Srl
• 21.12.2015
This article is over 3 years old
Kita: the Air to Water heat pump challenges the geothermal heat pump
With percentage coefficient of primary efficiency of 190,7%, Templari heat pumps reach the best energy class A+++.

The Europe Regulation has been introduced from 26 October 2015 and allows to identify the performances of heat pumps that are subdivided in 4 sectors of Energy Efficiency: A, A+, A++ and A+++.
This classification is helpful for the final consumer to understand from the first moment the quality of the product that he is going to buy, and it is consistent with the percentage coefficient of primary efficiency.
Now the minimum coefficient to fall into the best energy class A+++ is 175%.
The technical institute WPZ Heat Pump Test Centre has certified what Templari supposed: KITA TEMPLARI has a percentage coefficient of primary efficiency of 190,7%, well beyond what is required for an A +++ heat pump.
This result is more than enviable that means seriousness, hard work and enduring commitment of Templari in the heat pump’s area.
Our efforts led us to achieve the future that we aspired.
Even though the good result, this is not the final goal but just the beginning of a new experience and new way for the excellence and quality.
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This classification is helpful for the final consumer to understand from the first moment the quality of the product that he is going to buy, and it is consistent with the percentage coefficient of primary efficiency.
Now the minimum coefficient to fall into the best energy class A+++ is 175%.

This result is more than enviable that means seriousness, hard work and enduring commitment of Templari in the heat pump’s area.
Our efforts led us to achieve the future that we aspired.
Even though the good result, this is not the final goal but just the beginning of a new experience and new way for the excellence and quality.

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