Libellula 55kW, the small size wind turbine made in Italy
This result has been achieved using industrial standard instead of custom components for all key electrical and mechanical parts. The 2 blade upwind rotor guarantees high energy production with very low rated wind speed thanks to its large diameter and to variable speed rotation. The peculiarity of Libellula 55kW is to have one main generator for energy production and one auxiliary generator for grid connection; while mechanical power limitation is obtained by means of a well proven passive blade pitch adjustment, electrical power regulation is carried out with an unconventional inverter/rotating-converter combination.
This converter system allows the main generator to rotate at a variable speed, while the grid connected generator rotates at constant speed, as for the conventional stall regulated wind turbines with asyncronous generator directly connected to the grid.
Unique in its size-class is the tower, equipped with internal ladder, that allows simple and safe maintenance from inside the nacelle - as in big size turbines - reguardless to weather conditions.
Simple transportation is granted by the fact that the complete turbine can be loaded on a single standard truck, or will fit (with 24 m tower) in a standard 40’ container.