Focus Energy efficiency
• 01.12.2010
This article is over 3 years old
Presenting the Italian District Heating Association

The Italian district heating association (Associazione Italiana Riscaldamento Urbano – AIRU), founded in 1982, represents the most important principal DH operators: main managers, industries, departments of universities etc.. It’s a non-profit organization created to promote and coordinate the transfer of technology’s application and innovation about district heating, with more attention to renewable sources and traditional fuel power plants with low impact for the environmental.
The association has contacts with Italian Ministries of Industry and of Environment and with the Power and Gas Authority. It proposes “guide lines” for sector’ rules. AIRU is authorized to examine the proposals for directives of Power and Gas Authority.
AIRU is member of the Euroheat & Power.
The 4 Study Committees of AIRU carry out and produce “guide lines” in the following areas:
- Marketing
- distribution and production
- house substations and heat consumption meter
- Sales prices and tariff
- Biomass
Furthermore, AIRU:
a) promotes and organize studies and researches also with laboratories and university institutes;
b) transfers scientific and technical-economic experiences publishing an annual report on DH statistic data, organizing congresses, seminars.
c) has own school called “ European Energetic district systems School” that organize many courses about energy arguments.
List of most relevant projects
AIRU is working on:
- proposal to the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Welfare about a review of heat water system safety legislation;
- proposal to the Regione Lombardia (Regional Administration) of project of law about “Public incentives to house device connection to district heating pipeline”;
- externality study of a district heating on a medium city totally without this technology (case of Piacenza City);
Airu carried out:
- a Volontary Agreement (concerning Kyoto Protocol) - as a leader - with Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Environmental, ANCI (National Association Italian Town Councils), UPI (Italian Union of Provinces), ENEA (National Energy and Environmental Agency), Conference of Regional Governors.
- “Guidelines for the planning, setting and testing of pipelines systems of district heating”
- “District Heating Substations Schemes”
- “Guidelines for call for tenderes about projects and tools for currying out district heating ”;
- Organization of 40 Congresses about energetic and environmental themes
- Project on Energetic Efficiency Certificates submitted to Power and Gas Authority “
- Position on cogeneration definition submitted to Power and Gas Authority
- Opinion “pro veritate” ex lege nr. 448/01 art. 35 (Italian Government Financial Law) on Local Public Services rules
- Analisys of DH National Potential development in Italy Energetic and Environmental benefits
- Scientific Methodology for the evaluation of energy and environmental advantages of DH systems to the “Italian National Program for the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions”
- Instruction and agreement by Ministry of Economy concerning taxation on natural gas for integration hot water boiler.
The association has contacts with Italian Ministries of Industry and of Environment and with the Power and Gas Authority. It proposes “guide lines” for sector’ rules. AIRU is authorized to examine the proposals for directives of Power and Gas Authority.
AIRU is member of the Euroheat & Power.
The 4 Study Committees of AIRU carry out and produce “guide lines” in the following areas:
- Marketing
- distribution and production
- house substations and heat consumption meter
- Sales prices and tariff
- Biomass
Furthermore, AIRU:
a) promotes and organize studies and researches also with laboratories and university institutes;
b) transfers scientific and technical-economic experiences publishing an annual report on DH statistic data, organizing congresses, seminars.
c) has own school called “ European Energetic district systems School” that organize many courses about energy arguments.
List of most relevant projects
AIRU is working on:
- proposal to the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Welfare about a review of heat water system safety legislation;
- proposal to the Regione Lombardia (Regional Administration) of project of law about “Public incentives to house device connection to district heating pipeline”;
- externality study of a district heating on a medium city totally without this technology (case of Piacenza City);
Airu carried out:
- a Volontary Agreement (concerning Kyoto Protocol) - as a leader - with Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Environmental, ANCI (National Association Italian Town Councils), UPI (Italian Union of Provinces), ENEA (National Energy and Environmental Agency), Conference of Regional Governors.
- “Guidelines for the planning, setting and testing of pipelines systems of district heating”
- “District Heating Substations Schemes”
- “Guidelines for call for tenderes about projects and tools for currying out district heating ”;
- Organization of 40 Congresses about energetic and environmental themes
- Project on Energetic Efficiency Certificates submitted to Power and Gas Authority “
- Position on cogeneration definition submitted to Power and Gas Authority
- Opinion “pro veritate” ex lege nr. 448/01 art. 35 (Italian Government Financial Law) on Local Public Services rules
- Analisys of DH National Potential development in Italy Energetic and Environmental benefits
- Scientific Methodology for the evaluation of energy and environmental advantages of DH systems to the “Italian National Program for the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions”
- Instruction and agreement by Ministry of Economy concerning taxation on natural gas for integration hot water boiler.