PVCHECKs by HT Italia, multifunction instrument to check a PV system

PVCHECKs: Multifunction instrument to check safety, parameters and performance of a PV plant according to IEC/EN62446.


The multifunction instrument PVCHECK allows prompt and safe electrical checks required for a PV system (section DC) as well as controls on working of modules / strings in accordance with IEC/EN62446 guidelines.

PVCHECK verifies the continuity of the protective conductors (and the associated connections) and executes insulation resistance measurement of the active conductors on a module, a string or a photovoltaic field in accordance with the requirements of IEC/EN62446, without the need of short-circuiting the positive and negative terminals.

PVCHECK allows verification of a PV string's working in accordance with the requirements of IEC/EN62446 by measuring the open circuit voltage and short-circuit current under operating conditions and reporting the results to STC (by means of radiation measurement). It provides an immediate outcome for both absolute measurements and for measurements compared with the previously tested PV strings.

PVCHECK also allows carrying out performance analysis of PV array (DC) under operating conditions (connected to the inverter) providing an indication of the power generated and the efficiency of the field as specified by IEC/EN62446.


  • Safety test of PV installation;
  • Continuity test on protective conductors with 200mA;
  • Insulation test with test voltage of 250, 500, 1000VDC;
  • DC voltage;
  • DC current;
  • DC Power;
  • Solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell;
  • Environmental and module temperature by means of PT1000 probe;
  • SOLAR-02: remote unit for irradiance and temperature measurements (RF connection);
  • Recording of PV plant parameters (DC side) with programmable IP (5s – 60min);
  • Use of PDC compensation ratios according to environmental and module temperature;
  • Use of relationship to maximize the DC efficiency;
  • Outcome OK/NO;
  • Check of PV string's working;
  • Measurement of open circuit voltage up to 1000V DC;
  • Measurement of short circuit current up to 15A DC;
  • Measurement of temperature, automatic or by means of PT1000 probe;
  • Measurement of solar radiation [W/m2] with reference cell;
  • Mechanical inclinometer for the detection of solar radiation incidence angle;
  • Comparison with standard conditions (STC 1000 W/m2, 25°C);
  • Outcome of testing: OK / NO;
  • Database to manage up to 30 types of photovoltaic modules;
  • Internal memory for data saving;
  • Optical/USB port for PC connection;
  • Help on line on display.

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PVCHECKs by HT Italia, multifunction instrument to check a PV system
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