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Doubling of Guarantee Shares for Photovoltaic Modules: News from the Energy Account

The regulatory update leads to a significant increase in guarantee shares for photovoltaic systems: here’s what changes for the Responsible Entities.


The world of photovoltaic energy is at the center of a significant regulatory evolution, with the Responsible Entities of incentivized professional plants facing new provisions in terms of guarantee shares.

This update impacts not only the financial management of the plants but also opens up new opportunities for joining qualified Collective Systems.


A Quantitative Leap in Guarantee Shares

The recent legislative amendment introduced by the Law of February 2, 2024, has doubled the amount to be withheld per photovoltaic module, increasing from 10 to 20 euros.

This change, stemming from the Energy Decree of December 9, 2023, significantly affects industry operators, who will see the new shares applied as early as the March and April payments.

This move aims to strengthen guarantees related to the disposal of end-of-life panels, but it requires a rapid internal reorganization for the operators involved.

Options and Opportunities for Responsible Entities

In light of these changes, Responsible Entities have alternative options for managing guarantee shares. The current regulations allow for joining one of the qualified Collective Systems, opting for an associated management of end-of-life module disposal.

This choice, made operational through the GSE Customer Area, not only avoids the withholding process by the GSE but also allows for the return of previously withheld amounts. Additionally, starting from April 2, 2024, it will be possible to monitor adherence to Collective Systems and the results of the share withholding process through a dedicated dashboard on the GSE website, offering transparency and control to industry operators.