

Ground-source energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy which can be used for heating and cooling a building. At 1.5m deep, the ground temperature is around 8-12ºC and below 15m deep it is a constant 10ºC. Ground-source energy can be exploited the whole year around and provides significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and energy costs.

Probes are the most efficient method of extracting ground-source energy, as the round temperature becomes more constant after around 15-20m. Probes are typically installed in boreholes between 70-100m deep, but in some European countries, the trend is for deeper boreholes of up to 200m or even deeper.

With RAUGEO probe system energy is extracted from the ground through a closed circuit. The water circulating in the RAUGEO probe serves as heat carrier medium. The RAUGEO PE-Xa probe is installed without connections in the ground. With the help of a heat pump the extracted heat is raised to the temperature needed for heating.

REHAU RAUGEO probes are all double-U probes which means 2 flow and 2 return pipes. This is a failsafe for any potential damage to the probes but also provides around 10-15% better thermal performance. RAUGEO PE-Xa probes offer the highest reliability and reassurance for the client. Using cross-linked polyethylene (PE-Xa) provides the following advantages:
- High resistance to notches and grooves
- PE-Xa probe tip has no joint which means no potential leakages
- Better bending radius (for coming out of the borehole)
- Lower pressure losses due to smooth pipe inner surface
- Probe tip protected by special fiberglass resin

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