Refrigerant gases: discussions continue between the European institutions on the new Regulation. Assoclima in favor of a gradual elimination
L’eliminazione totale dei Gas refrigeranti in tempi brevi potrebbe avere conseguenze negative per aziende e cittadini

The complete elimination of refrigerant gases in a short time could have negative consequences for companies and citizens
The possible new F-Gas Regulation divides the European institutions. On the one hand, Parliament is calling for the total elimination of refrigerant gases by 2050, while on the other, the Council is holding back the timing because of the negative impact that an early and total elimination could have on citizens and businesses.
Assoclima is in favour of eliminating F-Gas, but at the same time agrees with the Council on the consequences that companies in the air conditioning sector could have if the total elimination takes place within a short time.
Refrigerant gases: yes or no to elimination by 2050?
The European Parliament has called for the total elimination of F-gases by 2050. However, the latest discussions between the European institutions have highlighted some important inconsistencies, which mainly concern the impact for citizens and the air conditioning sector, which would have to suspend the production of many heat pumps, primary instrument for energy transition.
Assoclima asks the political and institutional bodies involved in drafting the new F-Gas Regulation to make the legislation effectively applicable in a balanced and homogenous way.
In this perspective, Assoclima, sharing the objectives of progressive elimination of refrigerant gases harmful to the climate, offers its active collaboration to support the creation of natural refrigerants that can replace the F-Synthetic gases currently on the market.
The President of Assoclima, Luca Binaghi, stresses that a regulation with a specific deadline and that completely prohibits the use of refrigerants would make it very difficult to install an air conditioning system and above all more expensive.
It is therefore necessary, first, to develop new technologies to replace gases that can be implemented before the total elimination of synthetic refrigerants.
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