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Snapshot of Global PV Markets: italian PV production is 7,9%, more than Germany

According to the International Energy Agency report regarding the global growth in PV energy production in 2014, the top three countries are China, Japan and USA, Italy is the first in Europe.
The International Energy Agency recently published the “Snapshot of Global PV Markets” Report 2014, that recorded a global growth in PV energy production compared with 2013.

In order to complete this report, the IEA made a research called “Photovoltaic Power Systems Programmes” including 23 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States of America.

Even if the research underlined a non-homogeneous growth in global PV production, we can point out a light growth compared with 2013: compared to the 37,6 GW in 2013, in 2014 were produced 38,7 GW of PV electricity. It could be 40 GW if we consider also the new installations and the countries not included in the report.

In the PV production countries chart, China is at the top, with a constant PV production of 10,6 GW reached in 2014. China is followed by Japan, which is recording a rapid growth, with 9,7 GW reached, and the USA, with 6,2 GW reached. China and Japan give to Asia, which is growing very fast from 2012, the possibility to produce the 60% of the global PV electricity production.

Also Europe plays an important role in the global PV installation (50% of the total installed capacity) with three countries, Italy, Greece and Germany, that have now enough PV capacity to produce respectively 7,9%, 7,6% and 7,0% of their annual electricity demand. Other countries have enough PV capacity to produce at least 1% of their electricity demand with PV.

Today about 177 GW PV electricty are produced, 10 times more than 2008. 19 countries produce at least 1% of electricity from PV installation. It’s clear that the global aim is to grow up, in a renewable future.

You can find the “Snapshot of Global PV Markets” below.