SOLAR I-Vw: IV Curve Tracer and single phase inverter efficiency measurement

HT Italia presents SOLAR I-Vw, IV curve tracer that tests the photovoltaic System and identify the problems.


The IV curve tracer SOLAR I-V has been designed to meet any requirement of photovoltaic installation testers. Further to providing the possibility of testing and measuring the efficiency of single-phase photovoltaic systems and also measures the I-V characteristic both of a single module and of module strings. Thanks to The IV curve tracer SOLAR I-V, the operator can test the photovoltaic system and, should it give a negative result, immediately identify the problems of the system in order to promptly solve them.

The IV curve tracer SOLAR I-V is provided with the remote unit SOLAR-02 for measuring irradiation and temperature. The synchronization between main unit and remote unit, by radio-frequency (RF) wireless connection, guarantees the necessary simultaneity of measurements. The IV curve tracer SOLAR I-V also manages a database of photovoltaic modules, which can be updated at anytime.

The measured IV characteristic is not affected by the resistance of the measurement cables, as it is carried out with the 4-terminal measuring method. The measured values, correctly reported at standard test conditions, are immediately compared with the values declared by the manufacturer to give the OK /NO result of the test.

The operator must not do any calculation, the instrument carries out the comparison rapidly and automatically.


  • Measurement of output voltage from module/string up to 1000V DC;
  • Measurement of output current from module/string up to 15A DC;
  • 128 I-V curve points in Std or Capacitive mode;
  • Measurement Voc-Isc-Pmax-Vmpp-Impp-Fill Factor;
  • Measurement of solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell;
  • Measurement of temperature, automatic or by means of probe PT1000;
  • Measurement of output DC and nominal power from module/string;
  • I-V curve test with direct measurement of Irr/Temp parameters;
  • I-V curve test by using of SOLAR-02 unit;
  • Measurement of the resistance of photovoltaic module series;
  • Mechanical inclinometer for detect correct solar irradiation;
  • Comparison with standard conditions (STC 1000 W/m2, 25°C);
  • Evaluation of testing result: OK / NO;
  • Management of up to 30 types of PV modules (up to 30.000 upgradeable by software);
  • DC/AC TRMS Voltage;
  • DC/AC TRMS Current;
  • DC power;
  • AC active power on single-phase systems;
  • Solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell;
  • Temperature environmental and module by means of probe PT1000;
  • Synchronization with remote unit SOLAR-02;
  • Display of real-time irradiation and temperature;
  • Use of relationship to maximize the DC efficiency;
  • Recording of parameters with programmable IP (5s – 60min);
  • Internal memory for data saving;
  • Recalling results on the display;
  • Optical/USB port for PC connection;
  • Help on line at display;
  • Internal memory for data saving;
  • Recalling results on the display;
  • Optical/USB port for PC connection;
  • WiFi;
  • Help on line on the display.

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SOLAR I-Vw: IV Curve Tracer and single phase inverter efficiency measurement
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