The Self-Financing Roof
− A Newly developed in-roof system: SOLARWATT Easy-In replaces conventional
roofing tiles
− Conducted in cooperation with the Roofer’s Guild of the Free State of Saxony and
associated educational institutions
− Easy-In roof-side substructure meets the guidelines of the Central Association of the
German Roofing Trade (ZVDH)
− It is directly assembled to roof battens in half of the installation time
Since roof areas are limited, the solar modules possess a high power density of up to 138 Watt per square meter. SOLARWATT delivers the new in-roof system also as complete packages including all necessary elements, inverters and cable. The packages are available in three sizes – 3kW, 5kW and 10kW, which equal twelve, twenty and forty modules. Packaging decreases delivery times and logistics. Installers are system-trained and supported by the manufacturer.
Another advantage of this package is the additional services included, like a monitoring- and energy management system or the blanket insurance coverage.
“Our new in-roof system SOLARWATT Easy-In is not only interesting for new buildings and roof restorations within Germany”, explains Neumann. “We are also aiming for other large solar markets like Italy and France, because these countries specifically promote them.”
SOLARWATT’s new product Easy-In enables a much faster installation due to reduced tolerances and modules that are, moreover, easy to ground via aluminium guide sections. According to ZVDH guidelines the system is configured for 60 x 40mm roof battens or DIN 4074 min. S10.
The system packages come with an installation set and perfectly aligned components. Starting in May 2011 Easy-In will be available installation-ready in two packages, the SOLARWATT Power Packages: a basic package including Easy-In system, cable, plug-in connector as well as an SMA inverter. The premium package contains above mentioned monitoring- and energy management system as well as the SOLARWATT complete insurance coverage.
And the developers at SOLARWATT also put some thought into the system’s looks. The timeless and elegant design easily fits with all architectures.