Focus Companies

Serisolar 03.01.2011
This article is over 3 years old

Solutions focused, effective and sustained Sunscreen films. Solar control glass and safety

Serisolar, with its specialized personnel, select and install windows on the film more likely, drastically reducing the heat produced from solar radiation and consequently bring down from 30% to 50% the cost of the existing cooling system.

This allows for greatly reducing the power and the use of air conditioners particularly powerful and high operating costs. In some situations, and latitudes, the air conditioner even becomes superfluous.
The reduction of ´greenhouse allows significant energy savings and depreciation Serisolar surgery over a median time of up to 3 years.
The Film Kits has an added benefit: reducing glare. The film spreads the sun´s rays in a uniform manner by substantially reducing the effect of glare and reflection on the display screen. The films absorb more than 99% of UV rays, reducing the color change color (fade) blinds, various tissues, paper and wood floors. This property is particularly important in museums, with exhibits of paintings and works of art in shopping malls with lots of windows.

Why solar control windows film?

From March to October, the incidence of sunlight through the windows of homes, offices, schools, hospitals, makes unpleasant environment due to the microclimate of the greenhouse effect: the electromagnetic wave projected by the sun crosses, radiation, transparent surfaces of processed glass in the infrared (heat).
This energy, which produces a rapid and sensitive rise in temperature inside the building are unlikely to escape due to the ever increasing function of the insulating glazing (double or triple glazing).
The temperature in a room that has been irradiated by the sun through the windows, even if only for a few hours, an increase of several degrees, it is often necessary to use a cooling system, which is not always a radical solution, economic or ecological.
The benefits derived from films are installed by Serisolar:
• significant energy savings and depreciation Serisolar intervention in up to 3 years;
• Reduce glare on the video terminals;
• reducing the color to change color (fade) of curtains, fabrics, paper and wood floors.

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Solutions focused, effective and sustained Sunscreen films. Solar control glass and safety
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