Focus Innovations
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Technical standards: US-EU cooperation agreement to promote trade relations
The collaboration is important in view of the signing of the TTIP that will increase employment and competitiveness of the two powers.

The European Union and the United States will intensify the collaboration to align as much as possible technical standards and will thereby facilitate trades in goods and services between the countries involved.
The agreement was reached during a meeting in Dublin, which saw the participation of ANSI, American National Standards Institute, and some European normative bodies, CEN CENELEC and ETSI.
To reinforce relations in subject of standards, assumes prime importance whereas EU and U.S. have started negotiations for the ambitious economical and investment agreement "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)", which should be beneficial in terms of competitiveness, growth and employment.
Regulatory differences are mostly due to differences in legislation between the two countries in the economic sphere: the Trade Agreement will remove the barriers that divide the countries involved and will iron out the differences between the European and American standards in many areas, as well as encourage both sides to approach each other. Some of the TTIS themes have already been faced in Dublin and concern the areas of smart grids and electric vehicles.
"To reinforce the cooperation with the ANSI - said Dirk Weiler, ETSI General Assembly President and the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Presidents' Group - will speed up the process of regulatory compliance and will thereby facilitate the trades between the two world powers with the consequence of an economical and work increase for both.”
Even Ileana Martinez, the representative of ANSI in Dublin, explained that "the norms are a fundamental tool for innovation and collaboration both internationally and between the different regions and their development will help business and free access to world markets.”
The agreement was reached during a meeting in Dublin, which saw the participation of ANSI, American National Standards Institute, and some European normative bodies, CEN CENELEC and ETSI.
To reinforce relations in subject of standards, assumes prime importance whereas EU and U.S. have started negotiations for the ambitious economical and investment agreement "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)", which should be beneficial in terms of competitiveness, growth and employment.
Regulatory differences are mostly due to differences in legislation between the two countries in the economic sphere: the Trade Agreement will remove the barriers that divide the countries involved and will iron out the differences between the European and American standards in many areas, as well as encourage both sides to approach each other. Some of the TTIS themes have already been faced in Dublin and concern the areas of smart grids and electric vehicles.
"To reinforce the cooperation with the ANSI - said Dirk Weiler, ETSI General Assembly President and the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Presidents' Group - will speed up the process of regulatory compliance and will thereby facilitate the trades between the two world powers with the consequence of an economical and work increase for both.”
Even Ileana Martinez, the representative of ANSI in Dublin, explained that "the norms are a fundamental tool for innovation and collaboration both internationally and between the different regions and their development will help business and free access to world markets.”