Room Terminals - pAD

CAREL pCO sistema family room terminal


pAD is the wall-mounted LCD room terminal with icon-based display for use with pCO controllers.

It is available in two models: with temperature sensor or temperature + humidity sensors

The clock, available on some models for managing time bands, and the attractive design, make the display suitable for residential or commercial applications

Technical features

Functions of the pAD include:

  • configuration and display of the temperature and humidity set point
  • reading of temperature and/or humidity sensors
  • time band management
  • manual and automatic heating / cooling mode changeover
  • manual and automatic fan speed setting (3 speed)
  • clock setting / display 
  • display of alarms from the pCO controller connected to the pAD
  • management of “sleep mode”
  • display of icons (COOLING, HEATING…)
  • synchronisation of the clock on the pCO controller with the clock on the pAD

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Room Terminals - pAD
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