Focus Innovations

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Wind power for 9 million families in Eastern Europe

EWEA recently published a study about Wind Industry in Europe. The installations before 2020 will rase from 4 to 16 GW of power and wind energy will provide electricity for 9 milion families.
The Central and Eastern European countries are the new driving force for the wind industry.
This is demonstrated by a study published by EWEA, European wind energy association. The aim is to move in 2020 from the current installations from 6.4 GW to 16 GW of power and so to provide electricity for 9 million families.

The challenge of the new EU countries is more difficult where there the legislation is not stable, such as in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria. The community legislation on the use of renewable energy pushes the use of wind energy, although currently the majority states of Central and Eastern Europe has not achieved the aims established by the national plans for energy renewable.

An important role is played also by the commercial banks’ founds which are interested in giving investments for the wind power of the area.

Poland and Romania stand out among the most virtuous’ countries: in only one year these two countries doubled their potentiality of wind energy.

Passing the EU borders, a very promising country is Turkey, which from 2.4 GW intends to reach 20 GW by 2023.